hotel industry have suffered financial hardships as a consequence of the effect of the euro crisis on the industry and if so, the measures his Ministry proposes to take to alleviate their hardships? 1B/621 The Honourable Third Member for Beau .... Sanctuary, Cité Roche Bois, thereby emitting foul smell and causing recurrent environmental problems and if so, will he, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the. Municipal Council of Port Louis, information as to the ...
I took a short trip out of the hotel with Bryce to do some shopping, and I saw a man whose foot had rotted off (most of it, anyway). Most of his toes were missing and he sat there in the dirt nonchalantly picking at his own flesh, which was covered in a large swarm ..... Have you been to Roche Bois?Do the people there not live in shitholes?Do pigs not live with them?And what about the illegal occupation of government lands and their standard of living and their shitholes! ...
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